Application Tips

Start Your Application

Application Tips

  • Please write in complete sentences and use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. (sms = /ignore, lol)
  • Think about and fully complete your answers.
  • References should not be related to you, the same age as you, or live in the same house.
  • Select a photo that shows your eyes and face, without hat or sunglasses.

Interview Tips

Even though many interviews are done online or over the phone these days, we still feel that knowing these interview tips are important as future knowledge, both for this job and for the jobs you will have down the road.

  • Be on time.
  • Look your best. Suit and tie is not required, but definitely look professional.
  • Keep your cell phone in your pocket. Turned-off is best, but silent is acceptable.
  • Give a firm handshake. (It’s important, because it’s something we’ll ask you to do when meeting camp parents!)
  • Ask questions that aren’t answered on the website or video. (This shows us that you’ve done your homework.)
  • If you’re an artist, bring a portfolio. If you play a sport, bring some ideas with you about games and drills you can teach our campers.
  • If you’re applying for a trip-leader based activity, bring a log of the trips you’ve been on or led.
  • Think about and articulate your answers. It’s your time to shine!
  • Use appropriate language.
  • If you get lost, stuck in traffic, or are just running late, please call the interviewer and let him know. We understand that “life happens.”
  • Oh - … and please leave your six-week-old puppy at home. It happened. Seriously.