Staff Story: Heather's Favorite Photo

Want to know what working at camp is like from the staff perspective?

Here’s a “story behind the photo” from Heather Moffat, an archery instructor at Falling Creek for three summers (2023-2025). It features one of her favorite photos from a past summer, and why the photo brings back good memories of camp.

She sent us the photo on the left, along with the story below, to share why this photo brings her both happy and bittersweet feelings at the same time.

Share Your Photo Story
By Heather Moffatt

The story behind this photo (above) always makes my heart smile, but also sad at the same time. See, this photo was taken on one of the last days of Main Camp in 2024. The campers pictured with me are Harrison K. and Philip S., who were both not only helpful on the archery range, but also just wonderful personalities.

Harrison was a part of the STEEL program this summer and he helped out in archery for one of his STEEL activities. He was such a joy to have, since he was always making everyone laugh. All the younger campers loved him and they had so much fun being around him.

Philip was a camper during my first summer at Falling Creek Camp, in the summer of 2023. He loves to be at archery and constantly works so hard on his progressions, but also works hard at helping maintain the archery range. He is always willing to help fix arrows or help teach some of the younger boys. Basically anytime we could use assistance with anything on the range, he is always there to offer help and share his knowledge with other campers.

So that’s why this picture makes me happy, because it reminds me of the wonderful times that I had with the amazing campers at Falling Creek, and how life-changing working at this place can be.

The reason it makes me sad though, is because it reminds me that our time together in the summers is short in the grand scheme of things, and how I take that for granted sometimes. I wish that I fully appreciated those moments while I was experiencing them.

But, what I do know is that I’m not done having those moments, because I plan to be back for my third summer at Falling Creek for the 2025 season.

We’re so glad to have Heather back on the mountain with us in 2025! Current staff or alumni, do you have a favorite photo from camp? Share it with us, along with the story behind the photo, at